Friday, May 29, 2009

One of my favorite memories from this play was during our last show. As the "Prologue" was starting, we realized that all the stage lights were not working, and therefore, the only sources of light were the two spotlights. When it was time for the opening song "Belle", the stage was EXTREMELY dark... Basically, if you weren't in the spotlight, you couldn't be seen at all. We went along with the scene smoothly, though internally we were confused. Afterwards, the curtains were shut and the director had to announce technical difficulties. The entire cast rushed off stage wondering what was happening, but we instead gathered around the piano and sang songs we had been learning in chorus. A few minutes later, the musical director came into the room saying the ligths were fixed, but the house (auditorium) lights would have to stay on. He was grateful for our patience and we got back into our places, and put on our final show.


  1. Wow, last minute technical difficulties! That must've been scary/stressful. I'm glad the show went on, though :D

  2. That's awesome that everybody was ready for Plan B! Any kind of acting requires some sort of preparation for the unexpected, and that's cool that the play still went the right way despite the trouble with the lights. I'm glad that everything still went well.

  3. That was so scary for us! I remember going to everyone saying "the show will go on, just calm down, the lights will be fixed!" Great memory of that play!

  4. so i will never forget my beauty in the beast experience. oddly enough it is extreely similar to this one. we had difficulties on our final show too. i was sort of Lumiere. but hey you know all of this already don't you lol

  5. when we did beauty and the beast, cogsworth fell over backwards in the middle of the be our guest scene. stage crew had to come out and pick him up haha

  6. i remember one time we did beauty and the beast, gaston "forgot" his lines during gaston, and traded "so i'm roughly the size of a barge" for "so i'm roughly the size of king kong"
